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The Harmful Affects of Industrial Waste

It takes a lot to keep the world running including technology, science, and industry. And while these employ useful components, eventually those components become industrial waste – “any liquid, solid, or gaseous residual matter stemming from industrial activity” (David Fahrion). So what happens to this waste? “Industrial waste, generally, can be categorized into two types, i.e., nonhazardous and hazardous. Nonhazardous industrial waste is the waste from industrial activity, which does not pose a threat to public health or environment, e.g., carton, plastic, metals, glass, rock, and organic waste. In contrast, hazardous waste is a residue from industrial activity that can harm public health or environment, e.g., flammable, corrosive, active, and toxic materials.” (Ria Millati et al)

Industrial waste can come from obvious industries such as laboratories, pesticide users and vehicle production, but can also come from less obvious culprits like furniture, textile and leather manufacturing (US Environmental Protection Agency). The waste is known as industrial pollution, and can affect water, soil or air. Because of toxic waste, the Bellandur Lake in India has been known to catch fire dating back to 2015. “About 40 percent of the city’s untreated sewage flows into Bellandur Lake every day.” (Mary-Rose Abraham) This is also compounded by the residents who throw their garbage into the river.

Since the threat of industrial pollution can be overwhelming, greater attention must be paid to waste management through segregation (separating waste for proper disposal), composting, landfill (burying non-recyclable waste), and recycling.


  • Industrial waste is any solid, liquid or gaseous matter stemming from industrial activity.
  • Industrial waste can be nonhazardous – metals, organic waste, or glass – or hazardous – flammable, corrosive, active and toxic material.
  • Industrial pollution happens when industrial waste acts as a pollutant to the environment be it through the water, soil or air.
  • The most effective way to curb industrial pollution is through waste management like segregation of waste, composting, landfill and recycling.


Abraham, M., (2018) Toxic Lake Bursts into Flames. Retrieved 22.04.2021 from…

Fahrion, D., (2019). What Are the Different Types of Industrial Waste? Retrieved 22.04.2021 from

Mufara, K., (n.d.) How to Use Industrial Waste Management for Pollution Prevention. Retrieved 22.04.2021 from

Ria Millati, Rochim Bakti Cahyono, Teguh Ariyanto, Istna Nafi Azzahrani, Rininta Utami Putri, Mohammad J. Taherzadeh, Chapter 1 – Agricultural, Industrial, Municipal, and Forest Wastes: An Overview, Editor(s): Mohammad J. Taherzadeh, Kim Bolton, Jonathan Wong, Ashok Pandey,

Sustainable Resource Recovery and Zero Waste Approaches, Elsevier, 2019, Pages 1-22, ISBN 9780444642004, Retrieved 22.04.2021 from

Rinkesh, (n.d.) What is Industrial Pollution? Retrieved 22.04.2021 from

US Environmental Protection Agency, (n.d.) Typical Waste Generated by Industry Sectors. Retrieved 22.04.2021 from

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