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Fundraise: Donate to Asha to improve the lives of people in slums

Asha is a New Delhi-based organization that tackles issues trapping slum-dwellers in poverty. Asha’s programs help slum residents gain access to healthcare, financial services and education, and make it possible for them to make long-term, positive changes to their lives. Their five main pillars are empowerment, healthcare, education, financial inclusion, and environmental improvements.  Your contributions can help Asha’s network…

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Residential Schools

Residential schools refer to a system of 139+ schools operated by the Canadian government and churches to assimilate Indigenous children. From 1863-1996, over 150,000 Indigenous children were forcibly separated from their families and placed in residential schools. Students were forbidden from acknowledging their heritage and culture, and speaking their own languages and were forced to assimilate. Many of…

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