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Reproductive Justice: Texas’ Latest Attack on Abortion Rights

Texas counties are trying to stop people from traveling out of Texas to get abortions. They’re passing laws that would let private citizens sue anyone who helps someone get an abortion. It’s the same legal trick Texas used to ban most abortions.

These laws haven’t been challenged in court yet, and it’s not clear if they’ll hold up, but experts say they’re an attempt to scare women away from getting abortions. They also say the laws violate the First and Fourteenth Amendments.

The laws will likely be challenged in court, and we’ll have to wait and see if they’re upheld. In the meantime, they’re having a chilling effect on abortion access in Texas. Women who are considering an abortion may be afraid to travel to other states to get the procedure for fear of being sued. The laws are also making it more difficult for abortion providers to operate.

These Texas county ordinances are a dangerous escalation of the attack on abortion rights. They’re an attempt to intimidate women from seeking abortions and to make it as difficult as possible for people to get abortions.

If you or someone you know is in Texas and in need of an abortion, check out the resources below.

Fund Texas Choice is a nonprofit that provides practical support. They help Texans find abortion access through safe, confidential, and comprehensive travel services. This link, specifically, includes links to a few different resources. 

The Texas Equal Access Fund helps low-income people in Texas who are seeking an abortion but cannot afford it. They also provide funding for non-abortion related services such as sonograms, contraceptives and other family planning needs.

Jane’s Due Process Hotline is a confidential legal hotline that provides free legal advice and support to pregnant minors in Texas who are seeking judicial bypass to obtain an abortion without parental consent.


Ap. “Texas Counties Trying to Prevent People from Using Roads to Get an Abortion Grows.” The Hill, The Hill, 25 Oct. 2023,—.

“More Texas Counties Are Trying to Prevent People from Using Specific Roads to Get an Abortion.” AP News, AP News, 25 Oct. 2023, 

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