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How to Organize a Protest

Protesting is not just about the outcry, the facedown with opposition, nor the concerned look of those passing by in their vehicles. It is about the resolve, the outcome, and a goal. Listed below are a few things to consider and implement when planning and executing an effective protest. 

Purpose of a Protest 

There are a plethora of reasons to protest. Some stem from direct harm being implemented on a particular group of people and others stem from indirect harm. It is a contest to the idea or concept in a manner that is wide scale and public. Other purposes include:
  • Allowing groups that have been silenced to share their experience and provide insight on how others can join their fight 
  • Gets spirits high on the journey of change 
  • Facilitated outcome of a wider scale 
  • Puts the power in the community 

At least three weeks out

  • Have marshals (individuals who contain and protect protest-goers on all corners they are exposed) selected 
  • Confirm the area you will be marching or taking up space in – Think of your time and day as well/ Be alert on weather because your goal is to maximize attendance 
  • Invite through email all of the community leaders, elected officials, etc. that you would like to speak to motivate and show solidarity with the crowd 
  • Check to see if there is a bail fund set in place within your city

At least two weeks out 

  • Have flyers circulate through social media and throughout the city you reside in 
  • Contact trusted media outlets that you know will not skew or tamper with your message 

At least one week out 

  • Continue pushing the protest on social media and answering any questions that may arise 
  • Optional: Confirm with guest speakers if they will be in attendance and preface what they will be touching on 
  • Have a meeting with all those volunteering with food, water, and miscellaneous supplies 

Day before 

  • Breathe, remind yourself of why this fight means so much to you. Allow yourself to feel vulnerable and build your confidence
  • Take a ride with your marshals to survey the area you will be protesting in, be aware of everything near you 
  • Keep pushing on social media heavily 
  • Share why you will be there and what that means to you on your social media as well

Day of (before) 

  • Thank and explain to all those in attendance why it is important that they are there and the route that you all will take 

Day of (after) 

  • Again, thank everyone for coming and create an email list to share when other engagements will be taking place 
  • Optional: Share the protest on social media to mobilize and get more people out there 
  • Take time for yourself and be intentional with your time. Decompress. 

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