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Homeless Feeding Bans in Houston

As your parent or guardian comes to a red light, you observe a person laying on the hard concrete with torn clothing and nothing to eat. We have all been here. And we have all witnessed our parents or guardians driving off as the person remains hopeless outside. “As of September 2019, the homeless population entailed over half a million people in the United States, with approximately 65 percent found in homeless shelters. The other 35 percent—just under 200,000— found unsheltered in the streets.” (Source). 

In Houston, Texas, “the results of the 2020 annual point-in-time count published June 23,  and organized by the Coalition for the Homeless Houston recorded 3,567 homeless residents in Harris County, of which 1,515 were living on the streets rather than in shelters” (Source). Despite a large population of homeless people, the numbers have significantly diminished over the years. In 2011, the estimated homeless population was 8,500. In 2015, this number decreased by 53% to an estimated value of 4,600. Despite this outstanding progress, there is still work to be done! There will always be someone in need of necessities. 

So, why should you care? Well, I want you to put yourself in their shoes. If you had nowhere to go, with no one to call, with nothing to eat, I guarantee you would want someone to help you. You never know the true story of what someone is going through, along with the obstacles they have faced in the past. Some of the main reasons people are homeless include insufficient income, foreclosure, mental illness, substance abuse, and domestic violence, leading cause of homelessness for women. We should aim to spread kindness in any way possible, whether through a monetary donation, food donation, clothing donation, or even just a smile and a hug. 

In many cities, including Houston, there are anti-homeless feeding bans that prevent citizens from donating food to more than five individuals. Although people can still donate basic necessities such as blankets, clothes, and hygiene products, it is inconsiderate to the homeless population who rely on other citizens to obtain free food.

Along with this, violators of the law will face fines of up to $2,000 for performing good deeds. With the establishment of this ordinance, homeless individuals hopelessly roam the streets begging for food that will never come. This must come to a stop immediately! These anti-humanitarian regulations must be eradicated so that Houston and abroad citizens can continue to spread love and kindness to homeless individuals.


  • In the United States, the homeless population entails over half a million people
  • The homeless population in Houston, Texas has diminished greatly over the years with about 8,500 people in 2011, 4,600 people in 2015, and 3,657 in 2020.
  • People end up being homeless for a plethora of reasons including insufficient income, foreclosure, mental illness, substance abuse, and domestic violence.
  • Domestic violence is the leading cause of homelessness for women
  • Houston anti-homeless feeding ban has prevented citizens from donating food to homeless individuals

Click “Email” to send an email to Houston City Councillors demanding that they end homeless feeding bans. 

Click “Call” to call your city Councillors demanding that they end homeless feeding bans. 


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