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Examining the Affects of Land Pollution

The earth is equipped with the natural resources to support all forms of life that call it home. Yet, due to the mismanagement and carelessness of one of those groups – human beings – the earth suffers from being consumed by pollution and its crippling effects. “Land pollution [is] the deposition of solid or liquid waste materials on land or underground in a manner that can contaminate the soil and groundwater, threaten public health, and cause unsightly conditions and nuisances.” (Jerry A. Nathanson) It has become a glaring issue as time progressed and can no longer remain ignored.

Humans have always created waste. What we have not always done, however, is find responsible ways in which to dispose of this waste. In fact, “400 million tons of hazardous waste is produced annually around the globe.” (Rubbish Please) This ranges from plastic used in everyday life to pesticides used in farming practices. These pollutants do not just remain on terra firma; they also run off into the water affecting rivers, lakes, and oceans, thereby contaminating the aquatic kingdom as well. In addition to this, humans run the risk of being poisoned through water consumption, stifled by the ensuing air pollution and the respiratory ailments it brings along, and threatened by resulting illnesses such as skin cancer (Rinkesh).

So, what can we do? One primary way in which everyone can combat the problem is through recycling. Many materials can be repurposed in the home after their initial use, such as paper, plastic, cloth, or glass. Doing so will reduce the amount of waste in the landfills. “According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, when a company recycles 1 ton of paper, it saves an equivalent of 17 trees.” (Mike Stephen) We can also plant trees and practice healthier farming techniques that do not require the use of pesticides. The problem is already grave. It is now up to us to do whatever we can to keep our earth safe.


  • Land pollution is the deposition of solid or liquid waste materials on land or underground.
  • Though land pollution mainly affects the ground, it also can affect the water and the air.
  • Humans, animals, and plants are affected by land pollution.
  • To combat the problem of land pollution, we can recycle materials such as paper, plastic, glass, and cloth, plant trees, and practice healthier farming techniques.


Boulder County (n.d.). Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Retrieved 26.04.2021 from….

Nathanson, J., (2010). Land Pollution. Retrieved 26.04.2021 from

Rinkesh (n.d.). What is Land Pollution? Retrieved 25.04.2021 from

Rubbish Please (2016). Land Pollution Facts and Statistics. Retrieved 26.04.2021 from

Stephen, S., (2018). How to Prevent Land Pollution. Retrieved 26.04.2021 from

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