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Download: The Recharged Revolutionary Guide for Everyday Changemakers

The Recharged Revolutionary DRAFT announcement.png

We are thrilled to announce the launch of The Recharged Revolutionary Guide in Collaboration with The Everything She Is Co.

For us, self-care and sustainability of this movement are inextricably linked. With that in mind, we’ve designed this Recharge Guide for you to remember to take a step back and commit to recharging with the understanding that when we are recharged, energized, and centered, we are all better for it.

Self-preservation is not selfish. Self-care is not a luxury. You deserve it and it is undeniably necessary for the work that we do. For this reason, Everything She is Co. and Révolutionnaire have collaborated to create this guide for everyday changemakers. We hope that this guide will help develop self-awareness, and the muscles required to prioritize yourself and cope. This is a marathon, not a sprint – and we must condition ourselves accordingly.

Click here for your free download (compatible with Safari and Edge)

1 Comment

  • Stella
    Posted May 17, 2024 at 8:26 pm

    This is amazing!!!!!!! I already started the workbook on my tablet and have had so many “ah-ha” moments. Thank you

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