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Donate: The Health Alliance for Violence Prevention

Donate to HAVI to support investments in public health approaches to heal systemic and interpersonal violence

HAVI envisions a system of healthcare that mobilizes hospitals and communities to end violence together.

Many are fighting for a new social paradigm that focuses on the health and healing of communities of color. The HAVI supports healing and thriving by investing in public health approaches to heal systemic and interpersonal violence.


The HAVI helps stop the revolving door of violent injury in our hospitals and communities by supporting programs that bring culturally-appropriate violence prevention professionals to the bedside to address the social determinants of health. The HAVI brings these programs together to share knowledge, develop best practices, collaborate on research, and effect policy change.


HAVI believes violence is preventable and is committed to providing resources for the most vulnerable victims through hospital-community partnerships to offer the highest quality trauma-informed care to patients in emergency rooms, and trauma centers throughout the United States.


For more information on Community-based violence intervention programs, click “Learn More” 

To make a monetary donation to HAVI click “Donate”

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