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Dealing with Stress | Kids Help Phone Series

Révolutionnaire is Proud to be an “In Support of Kids Help Phone” partner and share recharge resources created for youth by the Kids Help Phone Team

Dealing With Stress

Stress is a response to the demands of everyday life. Stress is common and can be  positive, because it can bring energy and  motivate you to do things. However, too much  stress, or feeling stressed all of the time, can  take a toll on mental and physical health and  well-being. 

Common stressors for young people include: 

  • dating
  • school 
  • family 
  • friends 
  • work 
  • financial stress within the family 
  • lack of (healthy, fresh) food 
  • puberty 
  • sexuality 
  • mental disorders 
  • struggles with substance use (individually  or within the family) 
  • feeling isolated 
  • physical health 
  • body image 
  • illness 

Here, Kids Help Phone offers some suggestions for dealing with stress. 

  • Remember that stress is a typical part of life. It can motivate us to improve ourselves and accomplish what we need to do in a day. 
  • Even periods of increased stress in  the short term are not necessarily unhealthy 
  • be alert to extreme levels of stress or  panic attacks, which may indicate other  problems, such as an anxiety disorder 

It’s important to find out more about the ways  stress is having an impact. Consider the following:

  • “On a scale of one to 10 (where one is not  stressed at all and 10 is stressed to the  max), how stressed are you right now?” 
  • “Where in your body do you notice  stress?” (listen for symptoms, such as  difficulty sleeping, headaches, stomach  aches and muscle tension) 
  • “When did the stress start? How often do  you notice it?” 
  • “On a scale of one to ten (where one is no  control and 10 is total control), how much  do you feel you have control over your  stress?” 
  • “How does stress impact your daily life?”
  • “What have you been doing to cope with  stress?” (listen and look for negative  coping strategies, such as avoiding tasks,  drinking alcohol, isolation, etc.) 

What else can I try? 

You can establish priorities. Here are some  suggestions: 

  • If you have control over what is causing  stress (like studying for a test),  make a plan.
  • While people may not have as  much choice as they’d like to establish  their own priorities, talking about what  they’re facing may reveal more “wiggle  room” than previously thought. 
  • Create timelines that also include stress-reducing activities and  sleep. 
  • Identify people who can  support you. 
  • You can ask, “Is there someone in your life who can help you with your  commitments?” 

You can also develop  “positive self-talk.” Positive self-talk involves  saying things to yourself that are positive while  also being realistic. 

  • focus on the facts 
  • give yourself credit for each success,  big or small 
  • show yourself compassion 
  • praise yourself for all of their good  qualities 
  • practice accepting kind words from others 
  • avoid words such as “should,” “ought to,”  “must” and “have to” 

It’s also key to focus on realistic expectations. Here’s some more  information: 

  • Perfectionism is closely linked with high  levels of stress. Young people who are  struggling with perfectionism often find  their self-worth is dependent on their  accomplishments, which may make them  worry about the adequacy of their efforts. 
  • Think about what would help you be  gentler with yourself and  ask “What is a goal that would  allow you to do well AND feel well?” 

And lastly, here are some ideas for  building a healthy and balanced routine: 

  • work on recognizing which aspects of life  are changeable and which are beyond your control 
  • practice deep breathing and relaxation  techniques 
  • engage in active time management and  scheduling, including building in time for  self-care 
  • avoid overcommitment 
  • eat a healthy diet (if this is available to  you) 
  • engage in regular physical activity 
  • spend time in nature 
  • engage in an artistic practice (such as  journaling, drawing, photography or  music) 
  • participate in cultural activities (such as  dancing or drumming) 
  • promote the establishment of healthy  sleep patterns 
  • avoid too much caffeine 
  • limit screen time, especially just before  sleeping 
  • spend time with friends and family

Stress comes with both pros and cons for  adults and youth alike. 

If a young person in your life needs support,  they can connect confidentially with Kids Help  Phone 24/7 by phone at 1-800-668-6868 or by  texting 686868. To learn more about how you  can support a young person in your life, visit for tools, resources and  information on a wide range of topics. 

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