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Racial Equity

On Reparations
The case of reparations has been argued back and forth since the abolition of slavery in the New World. The idea is not as far-fetched as some may make it seem.  Immediately after slavery was abolished in the colonies, slave owners were given compensation by their respective governments for ‘loss of property’. In Britain a…
Antisemitism generally, is hatred and discrimination against Jewish people; but over the last 2,000 years, it has grown to be something much more complex and sinister. Antisemitism has lead to the direct targeting of Jewish communities over centuries through instances such as slavery, ghettoization across Europe, pogroms, the Spanish Inquisition and  the Holocaust during WWII.…
The Racial Wealth Gap
Since the founding of the United States of America, the mean and median wealth (net worth) of white families has been significantly greater than that of Black, native american, and hispanic families. This racial wealth gap continues to increase and there is a gross lack of financial inclusion for each of these groups at every level of…
Black Land Sovereignty
Any discussion of Black Land Sovereignty must recognize that European colonizers inflicted genocide on Indigenous peoples in North America before, during, and after trafficking enslaved Africans over to work the land. Gaining ownership over the land they were driven from or forced to farm has always been a large piece of the fight for freedom…