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Housing + Food Security

Soup Kitchen + Food Pantries
Soup Kitchens A soup kitchen is a center where the hungry and less fortunate can come to eat free meals. They are usually located in lower-income neighborhoods and staffed with volunteers. Food options range from bread and a beverage to fully cooked and nutritional meals.  Most soup kitchens also provide necessities like clothes and hygiene…
Lending and Mortgage Discrimination
What is lending and mortgage discrimination?  Lending discrimination is the practice of judging an individual’s loan application on factors such as race, sex, religion, or origin to determine their creditworthiness. As a structural practice, lending discrimination primarily targets BIPOC by placing them in high-risk financial situations or denying their application regardless of their credit score.…
Food Loss vs. Food Waste
What is Food Loss vs. Food Waste?  Food Loss is the discarding of edible foods at the production, processing, and distribution. (FoodPrint, 2021). Alternatively, food waste is the discarding of edible food at the retail sector and consumer level. This includes grocery stores, the hospitality sector, and individual consumer use (FoodPrint, 2021).  Why does Food…
Housing Discrimination in Canada
Housing discrimination often “consists of any behavior, practice, or policy in the public or private sectors that directly, indirectly, or systematically causes harm through inequitable access to or use and enjoyment of housing by members of historically disadvantaged social groups” (Novac 2002). From this definition alone, we can see that housing discrimination can be both…
Informal Settlements and Slums
Today, 1 in 7 people live in a slum, and about 1 in every 4 people will live in a slum by 2030. While three-quarters of slum-dwellers live in Asia and Africa, informal housing is an increasing problem across the globe.  So, what are informal settlements/slums? Well, these two words can be used to refer to the same conditions. They…