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Anti Gun Violence

Federal Licensing for Firearms
Comparison of federal licensing for firearms between Canadian and U.S law reveals a large gap in willpower to save lives. Generally, Canadian law requires a federal safety test and comprehensive background check, including mental health and domestic violence history. Canada also bans most handguns and automatic rifles, while classifying other semi-automatic firearms and handguns as…
Gun Violence Research Funding
The Centre for Disease Control reports that in 2019, 39,707 people died from firearm-related deaths. With a continued increase in gun violence year-over-year, many are calling for an increase in funding for gun violence research. Similar to other complex issues, adequate research funding for gun violence is imperative to get to the root of the…
Assault Weapons
In gun safety legislation and narratives, we often hear the phrase “assault weapons.” There is a wide disagreement about how assault weapons are generally used in non-military circumstances, but let’s first understand what assault weapons are. As defined by Everytown for Gun Safety, “Assault weapons are generally high-powered semi automatic firearms where each round has…
Repealing “Stand Your Ground Laws”
Repealing "Stand Your Ground Laws"   Since 2005, 25 states including Texas, Georgia, and Florida (see complete list below) have passed a “Stand Your Ground Law” in all parts of the country (source). According to FindLaw, there are generally three types of self-defense laws: Stand Your Ground: No duty to retreat from the situation before resorting…
Background Checks
Every day, 100 Americans die by gun violence; many people through domestic and intimate partner violence, some by suicide, others by gang violence and mass shootings. There are more guns owned by Americans than there are United States residents. 99% of Americans live within 10 miles of a gun dealer. There are more gun dealers…
Youth Over Guns Activist Spotlight: Andrea Gonzales
By: Madina Amber Andera Alejandra Gonzales [she/her] is a phenomenal Queer, Mestiza youth activist who I was delighted to talk to about what it’s like to be an activist. She is currently the Director of Operations at Youth Over Guns whose mission is to help decrease gun violence in underserved communities. As a Muslim American Pakistani and Movement Correspondent at NYCYCI, I felt it was…
Breaking the Cycle: Unpacking the Link Between Gun Violence and Childhood Trauma
Gun violence in the United States remains a complex and distressing issue, threatening public safety and community well-being. Despite efforts through legislation and protests, gun violence persists, encompassing mass shootings, homicides, suicides, domestic violence, and accidents involving firearms. To understand this problem, we must consider its historical roots, relevant statistics, and the urgent need for…