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The Révolutionnaire Allyship Pledge

The Révolutionnaire Allyship Pledge, is a dedicated pledge that includes committing to the important steps of educating yourself as an ally, speaking up in situations of injustice, educating the perpetrators of their wrongdoing and the historical impact of discrimination, and offering support to those victimized by these incidents. Educate: Change starts with being informed. Take the…

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Donate: The Afiya Center

The Afiya Center (TAC) was established in response to the increasing disparities between HIV incidences worldwide and the extraordinary prevalence of HIV among Black women and girls in Texas. TAC is unique in that it is the only Reproductive Justice (RJ) organization in North Texas founded and directed by Black women. Their mission is to…

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Donate: Black Youth Project 100

BYP100 is dedicated to improving the lived experiences of Black people. BYP100 is a national, member-based organization of Black 18-35 year old activists and organizers, dedicated to creating justice and freedom for all Black people. They do this through building a network focused on transformative leadership development, direct action organizing, advocacy, and political education using…

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Donate: Another Gulf Is Possible Collaborative’s Mutual Aid Efforts

Donate to Another Gulf Is Possible Another Gulf Is Possible Collaborative is a women-of-color-led, grassroots collaborative of eleven members from Brownsville, Texas, to Pensacola, Florida. They are built upon decades of organizing, resulting in a strong and rooted ecosystem of relationships.  They will distribute donations to support vulnerable families and communities impacted by Hurricane Ida. Another…

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