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Community-Based Violence Intervention Programs

Gun violence is a societal issue that has plagued various communities. The United States alone records almost 13,000 gun homicides annually. Implementing police-first solutions such as greater surveillance, arrests, and incarceration have often been the first response. However, these solutions often fail to tackle the roots of gun violence, as complexities such as racial discrimination…

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Racial Disparities in Juvenile Justice Systems

nvolvement with the US criminal justice system has multiple implications, including disruption in the environment, schooling, and employment. People of color are disproportionately represented due to harsher sentencing and racism. What is less known is the racial disparity in juvenile justice systems. Incarceration of youth does little to reduce crime and instead instigates an endless vicious cycle…

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Anti-Asian Hate Crimes

For many Asians and Asian Americans, COVID-19 has fuelled feelings of “otherness” and being “permanent foreigners.” Over the last year there has been  a rise in xenophobia, racism, and hate crimes towards the Asian population, leaving individuals feeling unsafe and isolated. A disturbing wave of anti-Asian violence has swept early 2021 in particular, with reports of acid…

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Employment after Incarceration

As 600,000 formerly imprisoned individuals enter society each year, employment opportunities are crucial in aiding their difficult transition. However, in seeking employment, formerly incarcerated populations are challenged by structural hurdles overlaid by deeply embedded systemic racism and sexism. According to Prison Policy, formerly incarcerated individuals are more likely to be actively looking for work or…

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