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Call: Demand President Biden Stop Construction of Enbridge Line 3

Today Indigenous Americans have less than 5% of their homelands. If you live in the United States, chances are you live in native ancestral lands. Indigenous Americans are disproportionately affected by climate change because of long-standing cultural traditions, sustainable stewardship practices, and livelihoods that rely on the lands.  Currently, in Minnesota, the Anishinaabe tribe and environmentalists…

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Donate: Honor the Earth to Support Native Environmental Initiatives

Organization Overview: Honor the Earth is the only Native Organization that provides financial support and organization support to Native environmental initiatives. The Minnesota based organization is a partner of the Stop Line 3 advocacy group. Their mission is to create awareness and support for Native environmental issues and develop needed financial and political resources to survive sustainable…

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Rising Sea Levels

For the past 150 years, our sea levels have slowly risen. Global warming is one of the biggest problems associated with Climate Change, and this warming is causing our sea levels to grow even faster. 1/3rd of the rise has occurred in the past 30 years alone (NOAA). This is very important because almost half…

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Indigenous Environmental Justice

In the United States, Indigenous groups have lived on the lands for thousands of years, long before any European Settlement. The United States government has forced Indigenous tribes off their lands countless times, disregarded centuries-old cultural relations with lands, and indigenous Americans are disproportionately affected by environmental issues while contributing minimally. Indigenous communities today disproportionally…

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The Green New Deal

The Green New Deal is a proposed bill in the United States House of Representatives. You’ve probably seen it in the news recently, but may not know what the proposal entails. The Green New Deal is a comprehensive climate change mitigation proposal for the United States, introduced by Senators Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ed Markey. The…

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Hannah Pittman (Environmentalism Content Leader)

Hannah is a senior at Kalamazoo College studying Political Science with a concentration in Environmental Studies. Hannah is passionate about environmentalism, and is hoping to eventually work as an environmental lawyer. She has experience working on political campaigns, tutoring students, and waitressing. Outside of work Hannah loves mountain biking, photography, and exploring the outdoors in…

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