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Improper Waste Management

Waste management refers to the ways we manage and dispose of waste. Typically operated by a local regulatory framework, it includes processes such as collection, transportation, dumping, recycling, or sewage treatment (source). However, improper waste management is the disposal of waste in a way that has negative consequences for the environment and human health. Examples…

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Intensive Animal Farming

Industrial livestock production is a type of intensive animal farming designed to maximize the production of meat and poultry products while minimizing the costs. This farming method calls for confining as many animals as possible in small spaces – such as cattle, hogs, and poultry – and using machinery and standardized processes to produce massively.…

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Natural Resource Depletion

Natural resource depletion is the consumption of a natural resource faster than it can be replenished. Due to an increasing global population and an increasing level of consumption per individual, humans are depleting the earth’s resources at an alarming pace. Earth’s resources can be both renewable and non-renewable. Resources are renewable when they can be…

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Land Degradation

Land degradation refers to decline in the health and productive capacity of the land. There are both human and natural causes of soil degradation. Natural causes include harsh weather conditions (drought, excessive flooding, etc. ). Human causes include agricultural, industrial and commercial pollution, toxic chemicals, urban expansion, deforestation, and unsustainable agricultural practices like forest conversion,…

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Carbon Emissions

CO2 emissions are the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. There are both natural and human sources of carbon dioxide emissions. Natural sources come from organisms respiring (breathe) or decomposing (decay), forest fires, volcanic eruptions and ocean release. Human sources come from activities such as deforestation, cement production, and the burning of fossil fuels…

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Fast Fashion

Fast fashion is a business model focused on rapidly and massively producing clothing in response to the latest trends. The idea is to replicate catwalk trends and high-fashion designs quickly and cheaply using low-quality materials to bring inexpensive styles to the public. Companies that practice fast fashion include Zara, H&M, Uniqlo, Urban Outfitters, Forever 21,…

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Air Pollution

Air pollution is the presence of particles and gases in the atmosphere that can be harmful to humans, other living beings, and the environment. These particles and gases come from a variety of human and natural sources. Human sources include carbon emissions from factories, vehicle exhaust and planes, cigarette smoke, and even aerosol cans. Natural…

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Emilie Baliozian (Environmentalism Content Leader)

@emilie is a French-american climate activist and communications professional. She graduated from the Dual BA program between Sciences Po Paris and Columbia, where she specialized in Political Science and Environmental Studies. She went on to start Climate Communicators, a communications platform encouraging both positive and constructive dialogue around climate change and advising clients on their climate communication campaigns.…

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