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Political Bribery: The Influence of Wealth and Power on Supreme Court Decisions

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, one of the most powerful and influential men in the United States, has been involved in several ethical scandals, including bribery and manipulation over decisions. Receiving over three dozen destination vacations, real estate properties, and his son’s private school tuition as bribes from billionaires, there is much to question about the context of Thomas’ supreme court decisions. 

Every day, more and more information continues to come out about his ethics scandals. 

David Sokol, Harlan Crow, Paul Novelly, and Wayne Huizenga are some known billionaires from whom Thomas is known to have accepted bribes. 

More, however, are suspected of having done so, considering Thomas’ social circle(s). 

Alongside these bribes, Thomas’ wife, Ginni Thomas, is suspected of having influenced several of his supreme court decisions, admitting to helping several groups submit briefs before the Supreme Court. All these groups are far right; one was even involved in the recent affirmative action case. 

What will happen to Thomas?

Thomas ‘ credibility has already been undermined after and since this information has come out to the public. Politicians, community leaders, and concerned citizens have spoken out against Thomas. 

Legally, however, it is unlikely that Thomas will be impeached, as Supreme Court justices are challenging to prosecute. 

Is this anything new?

In the past, only one of the many Supreme Court justices who have been involved in bribery scandals. In fact, several Supreme Court Justices have openly accepted bribes, including Antonin Scalia, Stephen Breyer, and Neil Gorsuch. 

This means that the highest court of the United States is even more corrupt than we thought, are we surprised though? Maybe partially. 

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