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Zahra Mardanyar (Housing + Food Security Content Leader)

Due to an interest in the movement of people and ideas on the local and national scale, Zahra decided to major in Diaspora and Transnational studies at the University of Toronto. Her interest in housing and food security comes from her educational background, and through this avenue, she gained an understanding of the connection between racial capitalism and the production of food and housing availability. Even though we are producing enough food to feed the globe, racial capitalism prevents this from happening and one can see similar patterns in housing security. Therefore, at Révolutionnaire, Zahra intends to use her voice to spread awareness on the above two topics. Outside of her work with us, you can find her offering yoga classes in an effort to make the practice accessible to all bodies. Currently, she is a part of a program called “Your Yoga Journey” teaching yoga in Farsi to a portion of the afghan Diaspora in Canada.

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