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Janella Laurio (Student Engagement Lead)

“If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough,” was the quote that gave birth to my valedictory speech in 6th grade, and the quote that has given birth to my life purpose and motivation ever since. As a new member of Révolutionnaire, a platform where dreams fuel revolutions, I am striving to dream even bigger dreams than I have before with the love and support of an inspiring group of révolutionary youth leaders. 

Hello, everyone! My name is Janella Laurio, but I am more commonly known as Jae. I am a sophomore (class of ’26) Political Science major, Psychology minor student of Howard University from Colorado by way of the Philippines. I have aspirations to become an attorney with my personal law firm and a published author. I have the incredible honor of serving as one of this year’s campus engagement leads and I am nothing but excited for the opportunity. 

Aside from being a member of Révolutionnaire, I currently serve as the College of Arts & Sciences Executive Council Secretary, formerly serving as its Freshman council president. 

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