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Nominate Your City for an Advance Peace Fellowship

Advance Peace is dedicated to ending cyclical and retaliatory gun violence in American urban neighborhoods. They invest in the developmenthealth, and wellbeing of those at the center of this crisis.

Peacemaker Fellowship®

Advance Peace interrupts gun violence in American urban neighborhoods by providing transformational opportunities to young men involved in lethal firearm offenses and placing them in a high-touch, personalized fellowship—the Peacemaker Fellowship®. 

By working with and supporting a targeted group of individuals at the core of gun hostilities, Advance Peace bridges the gap between anti-violence programming and a hard-to-reach population at the center of violence in urban areas, thus breaking the cycle of gun hostilities and altering the trajectory of these men’s lives.

Advance Peace works with both public and community-based stakeholders to establish responsive community-driven strategies that achieve high-impact outcomes for those caught in the cycle of urban gun violence.

Advance Peace will select cities to develop and implement Fellowship pilots based on the following minimum criteria:

  • 3.2 murders/100,000
  • Can achieve buy-in from at least two of the following: City Administrator/Manager, Mayor, Chief of Police, or Elected Prosecutor
  • Commitment from one local/regional institutional philanthropic donor
  • City commits to work with AP Evaluation Team
  • City can demonstrate public/private partnerships that promote and invest in healthy/positive youth development
  • Formal 4-year commitment/MOU between Advance Peace and selected city to implement a minimum of two 18-month Fellowship cohorts with a minimum of 50 Fellows
  • City commits programmatic funding of 1/3 of Fellowship program costs up to $250,000 per year for four years

To nominate your city, click the “Nominate” button. To learn more about the importance of violence intervention programs click the “Learn” button.

1 Comment

  • Avatar photo
    Posted May 21, 2024 at 3:09 pm

    Love this: Just nominated Houston!

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